Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!!

My kids enjoyed American Valentine's Day.

They had a party each classroom at school.
Eat some cake,exchange valentine cards & candy.
My sons and daughter got many treats.
Same as Halloween.

My son did valentine craft at the party.
And guess what?
It's for ME!!!
I'm soooo happy.

In Japan,today is Valentine's day.
Female give some chocolate to male.
Husband,dad,grandpa and boyfriend.

Male have to give something back on 14th March.
We called this day  "White Day".

Recently teenage girls give valentine for girl.
And sometimes,woman buy famous expensive one for myself.
GODIVA chocolate!!
It's my favorite.

I made special chocolate cake for my family.
With LOVE from the bottom of my heart.
Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing what you receive on White Day!
